Popular Culture Working Group
The Popular Culture Working Group aims to examine and explore the various relationships between the production, content, and consumption of popular culture from a range of perspectives that are theoretically informed and empirically grounded. The Working Group is led by the following individuals:
Chair: Tonny Krijnen (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) [contact]
Vice-Chair: Niall Brennan (Fairfield University, United States) [contact]
Vice-Chair: Frederik Dhaenens (Ghent University, Belgium) [contact]
See the list of all current members of the Popular Culture Working Group. For more information about a given member, go to https://iamcr.org/members-contact (accessible only to IAMCR members).
Members of the Popular Culture Working Group are interested in the (academic) intersections that the study of popular culture evokes. Embracing insights from various disciplines such as cultural studies, media studies, gender and queer studies, theatre studies and so on, the Working Group engages with multifarious perspectives and the richness of popular culture as a field of study. From exploring hip hop fandom to conducting a political economic analysis of the television industry, the Working Group is interested in all facets of popular culture.
To join the Popular Culture Working Group, login to your IAMCR account and select My Sections and Working Groups from the menu. A number of IAMCR sections and working groups send notices and other information exclusively to their members. IAMCR members can join up to three sections or working groups.
Please visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/POCUL/
IAMCR's Popular Culture Working Group invites proposals that reflect the section's interest.
Conference theme: “Hegemony or Resistance? The Ambiguous Power of Communication”

The Popular Culture Working group invites papers and panel proposal for submission for the 2014 IAMCR Conference in Hyderabad. The conference theme is: REGION AS FRAME: POLITICS, PRESENCE, PRACTICE.

The conference will be held under the general theme, 'South-...

The Working Group provides a forum for researchers into the...

Web details for the conference are available at:...

The Popular Culture Working Group of the International Association for Media and Communication Research announces its call for papers for the IAMCR Congress in Stockholm, Sweden (July 20-25, 2008). The conference theme for the 2008 Congress is "Media and Global Divides."