Political Economy Section
The Political Economy Section examines the role of power in the production, distribution and exchange of mediated communication. Drawing from the rich history of political economic theory, Section members study social relations in their totality, consider how they have developed historically, evaluate them according to standards of social justice, and intervene to bring about a more just and democratic world...
Co-chair: Ben Birkinbine (University of Nevada, Reno, USA) [Contact]
Co-chair: Gabriela Martínez (University of Oregon, USA) [Contact]
Vice-chair: Yu Hong (Zhejiang University, China) [Contact]
Vice-chair: Mandy Tröger (Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Germany) [Contact]
See the list of all current members of the Political Economy Section. For more information about a given member, go to https://iamcr.org/members-contact (accessible only to IAMCR members).
To join the Political Economy Section, login to your account and select My Sections and Working Groups from the menu. A number of IAMCR sections and working groups send notices and other information exclusively to their members. IAMCR members can join up to three sections or working groups.
Section members have been rethinking political economy in the light of developments in various parts of the world including the relationship between globalisation and localisation; the production of goods and services by firms in China; commodification and commercialisation; liberalisation and neoliberal policies, ideology and culture and how these issues influence control over the news and politicians. They are also concerned with issues around democracy including the challenges of limited funds available to alternative media outlets; linguistic issues, organisational issues and political insecurity.
Join the Political Economy Section in social media: www.facebook.com/groups/iamcrpolec/
IAMCR's Political Economy Section invites proposals that reflect the section's interest.

Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research
Hyderabad, India, July 15-19, 2014
Theme: ‘Region as Frame: Politics, presence, practice”
Political Economy Section Call for Papers