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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must not have been published previously, nor sent to any other journal (or an explanation must be provided in “Comments to the editor”).

  • The file being sent must be in Microsoft Word.

  • The author must provide the URL for references whenever possible.

  • The text must be single-spaced, using a 12-point font, and must apply italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses).  All of the illustrations, figures and tables must be placed in the appropriate position within the text, not at the end of the text.

  • The text must meet the stylistic and bibliographic prerequisites established in the section «Indicacions for the authors» of the page «About the journal».

  • For sending sections reviewed by experts, one must follow the instructions in the section «How to ensure a blind peer review».

Author Guidelines

Tripodos accepts original articles which are not under consideration by another publication at the time of submission.

Articles should not exceed 7000 words in length (including the text, the references and the notes), should be written as clearly and concisely as possible.

The journal only accepts articles written in English.

Each author can only send a maximum of one article per year.

The texts must have a maximum of 4 authors.

Documents can be sent in .doc or .docx format.

In order to submit original papers, authors must be registered with the journal ( as authors. Following this step, authors must enter their user name and password, activated in the process of registering, and begin the submission process. In step 1, they must select the section “Monograph” or “Fundamentals”. Trípodos accepts original articles of any topic with regard to any discipline related to the world of communication for “Fundamentals” section.

The First Page should contain:

- Title of the article.

- Abstract of 200 words.

- Keywords (up to 5).

- Full name of each author with current affiliation, country and full address.

- Academic profile/s of the author/s of 200 words.

First Page file will be uploaded as a supplementary file.

The manuscript file should contain title of the article, abstract and keywords. For the purposes of blind refereeing, the article must not contain any reference (name, filiations, research projects codes...) which allows identify the author.

Personal information must be also removed from file properties. With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.

Papers may include tables and figures. This material should be in the place in the text where table and figures are to appear. Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables or figures.

Footnotes (no endnotes) are accepted but use them as less as possible.

The ‘Harvard’ system (author-date) should be used for bibliographical references. References in the text should be quoted by an author's name, followed by a comma and the date of publication, all in brackets. Example: (Bergson, 1999: 222), (Bergson, 1999; Costa, 2010). Letters (a, b, c...) should be used to distinguish different work by the same author and year.

Bibliographical references should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order. When more than one work by the same author is cited, the most recent one should be listed first. References should be presented in the following standard form:


Chadwick, Andrew. (2017). The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Work with two or three authors: Filimonov, Kirill; Russmann, Uta, and Svensson, Jakob.

Work with four or more authors:

  • In the text: (Payne et al., 2009)
  • In the bibliography/list of references: Payne, Adrian; Storbacka, Kaj; Frow, Pennie, and Knox, Simon. (2009). “Co-Creating Brands: Diagnosing and Designing the Relationship Experience”. Journal of Business Research, 62(3), pp. 379-389.

Work with editor, compiler...: Carlsson, Ulla (ed.)

Work with no author. List by title of the work. Incorporate these entries alphabetically just as you would with works that include an author name. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are not considered when alphabetizing.

Books chapters

Balthazard, Pierre A.; Waldman, David A., and Atwater, Leanne E. (2008). “The Mediating Effects of Leadership and Interaction Style in Face-to-Face and Virtual Teams”. In: Weisband, Suzzane P. (ed.). Leadership at a Distance: Research in Technologically-Supported Work. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 127-149.


Anstead, Nick and Chadwick, Andrew. (2018). “A Primary Definer Online: The Construction and Propagation of a Think Tank’s Authority on Social Media”. Media, Culture and Society, 40(2), pp. 246-266.

Conference papers

Smyrnaios, Nikos and Sire, Guillaume (2014). “The News According to Google How Does Algorithmic Infomediation Frame the Work of French Journalists?”. Presented at JSS-ECREA 2014 Conference. Thessaloniki, 27-29 March.

Web documents

Heijmans, Michiel. (2016). “What To Do to Optimize Your News Site For SEO”. Search Engine Journal. Available at: <>. Accessed 14 June 2018.


Proposals for monographs

Tripodos accepts proposals for monographs. The proposal must include a title, a summary of the objectives and topical content, the name of the coordinator’s (or coordinators’) institution, as well as a justification of the interest of the proposed monograph and of possible groups interested in participating. As a general rule, the monographs must contain a minimum of five articles and a maximum of seven.

The Editorial Team of Tripodos will evaluate the proposals for monographic publications.


Tripodos also accepts original articles and research of any topic with regard to any discipline related to the world of communication

Privacy Statement

The e-mail addresses and names included are used exclusively for the purposes declared by this journal and will not be used for any other purpose nor will be made available to any third parties.