Remembering a library mentor

S. Mundayoor
A heart-warming tale about a young man who owed all his education to his library mentor who allowed him to borrow books and complete his education.

The story behind the storyteller

Chintan Girish Modi
Geeta Ramanujam’s new book, Tales from the World, is an excellent resource. In this book, she has compiled stories from different countries across the world . Here is an interview with the author.

Children as self-directed learners

Richa Pandey
How do children learn when provided with the opportunity to decide what, when and how they want to learn? Aarohi Life Education is an informal learning centre which provides a stage for children to learn by directing their course of learning themselves. A profile.

A sense of Summerhill

Pradita Nambiar
When A S Neill set up Summerhill a hundred years ago, he wanted to further the idea of freedom and democracy in the field of education. The school is run as a democractic community with students and teachers playing equal roles and enjoying equal freedom. With its principles of democratic education, Summerhill has inspired several similar schools across the world. The author shares her experience of being and teaching in one such school.

A participatory path to democracy

Swati Shukla
What is a democratic school? Do we need such a school in a democratic country like India? How different is this school from a regular school? It was in search of answers to these questions that the author visited Umang Paathshala in Haryana.

Our journey with books

Nimesh Ved and Anshumalika Rai
This article talks about a two-year journey to connect children with books and to set a happy space in which books are a crucial element. Today the book room, as it is called, is vibrating with a positive energy where children can let their imagination fly.

Museums that teach

Piyuli Ghosh and Bhagyashree Dokrimare
Apart from the classrooms, we have heard of teachers teaching under trees or in the garden, but have you ever heard of museums turning into classrooms? This unique school in Bhopal realized the learning opportunities that museums provide and has for the last 14 years very successfully engaged with museum based pedagogy.

Golden memories

S.Radha Prathi

A 50 year old school and its brave founder–Sri Vidya Mandir and Leela miss– have a lot of inspirational stories of struggle, challenges and survival to narrate. Take a peek into the journey of the school and its founder though the eyes of an old student.

Indian by choice

Chintan Girish Modi
Teachers who may want to talk to their students about the Indian freedom struggle can now include Freda Bedi in their conversations Who was Freda Bedi? She was not born on Indian soil but devoted herself totally to India. Her story needs to be read.

Stories waiting to be told

Sharmila Govande

There is a story in each one of us and Siddharth and Smriti through their organization, Soulify, help bring these stories out. Through the medium of art, drama, and storytelling Soulify helps us get in touch with our creative side, thereby empowering and enabling us.