Increasing access and engagement in a virtual classroom

Mohd Amzad and Ajam Khan
During the pandemic, reaching out to children of daily wage labourers to continue the process of learning was an uphill task as government schools had shut down and as a consequence, midday meals were not available. In this atmosphere, a lot of teachers tried to increase access, engagement and well-being of students online. Here are some methods which teachers adopted.

Think green, act green

Shalini Sabikhi

The importance of teaching children green practices is by now common knowledge. But a few sermons on conserving the environment and planting a few trees every now and then is not enough. We have to get children into the practice of constantly thinking in terms of conserving and preserving the environment. Here are a few suggestions that you too can use to constantly engage children with the idea of waste management, recycling, and conserving the environment.

Keeping the questions alive

Nimesh Ved A recent trip to Rishi Valley School (Andhra Pradesh) presented an opportunity to interact with students in different classes on divergent topics. During the trip I enjoyed being with the students and partially succeeded in soaking in their Read More …

Engaging with sustainability

Wipro’s effort to integrate sustainability thinking into the core of education saw the birth of a new concept – Earthian. This is a programmme that tries to foster excellence in sustainability thinking and doing among children. This year the programme has been expanded to include analytical as well as literary writings. Read on to find out more.

Geography through time and space

Srinivasan K Studying the trends and patterns in geography from a book certainly helps, but what appears as understanding, most often ends up as knowledge and information if it is not reinforced by complementary real world experiences. Identifying the interactions Read More …