How a lake was saved

Seetha Anand
While primarily it is the job of the government to maintain public spaces, as citizens we cannot wash off our hands from doing our bit. Here’s how a group of citizens came together to clean up a lake and its surroundings in Hyderabad.

Rebirth of reading

Suhail Abdul Hameed
Libraries usually serve as a memorable space for avid book lovers who love to just browse and perhaps even read the books that they choose. Everyone has their own experience of engaging with libraries as a space. This article throws light on efforts to create such a space for students in a government primary school in Chhattisgarh.

Lessons in friendship

Meena Sriram
Life lessons are best learnt from real life situations. What started out as a humanitarian project of engaging and teaching the less privileged children during COVID lockdown, ended up being a lesson in life for the privileged teenagers who volunteered to work on the project.

Getting familiar with our fundamental rights

Vikash Sharma
Unless we draw parallels to real life and tell children how they work and how we can own them, fundamental rights and duties will remain mere words in their textbooks. As teachers we have to find ways to show our students that the fundamental rights are something that we are entitled to as citizens of this country and that they are not meant to simply lie in the pages of a book.

Redefining ‘new normal’, one phone call at a time

Richa Pandey
As a community we have now experienced both “normal” and “new normal” education. And while the “new normal” falls drastically short of including the entire student population, the “normal” wasn’t ideal either. Based on her experience of working with students in rural areas over the last year and a half, the author shares how it is time for us to redefine teaching and learning by bringing together the good from all our different experiences.

Learning comes from passion

Manjula Rao
How often do we think about those who help us – the ayahs, maids, peons? A school teacher with the help of a few colleagues and students decided to make these helpers’ dreams of learning to read and write a reality.

Teachers beyond classrooms

Ananya Pathak
A good teacher is not satisfied with just teaching her subject, she goes beyond to aid the child in life’s trials. Volunteer teachers at Shiksha Swaraj, a resource centre for children, show us how they go beyond their regular duties during this pandemic.

The continued relevance of reading cards

Narendra D. Deshmukh and Prakash K. Nawale
Most teachers often try and experiment with innovative ideas to bring a spark into their teaching and also achieve palpable results in the form of students showing improvement in their learnings. When this happens, why are the new methods not universalized? This article talks about how reading cards can be used to teach concepts, instill interest in reading and also explain textual content in an easy way.

Books as a solution to teen issues

Nikhil Eyeroor
These days there is a lot of focus on the mental well-being of students. With more and more young adults falling prey to depression and social isolation, their emotional wellness is something that schools have to take care of. Reading or listening to stories can be a great way to heal. Here’s how bibliotherapy can help emotionally troubled students.

A corner to read

Dhiraj Pratim Medhi
The reading that most children do is from textbooks, which they consider a chore. With little or no access to different books, children don’t develop a reading habit. Here is how the Azim Premji Foundation is taking up this challenge in government schools in Uttarakhand.