Information for instructors & lecturers

Springer Nature has designated roughly 10,000 titles across all our imprints specifically for classroom teaching and learning at higher academic levels.

We encourage you to explore the book pages in our online catalog and learn more about our product offerings.

Textbook eCopy Request Form

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  • You will have to mention the DOI of the required book. You can find it in Springer Link on the website of the book. 
  • It has the format 10.XXXX/XXX-X-XXX-XXXXX-X.
  • Only e-books will be approved. All our imprints, for example Springer, Palgrave, Birkhäuser, J.B. Metzler and many others are included.
  • Kindly note that books with a retail price of more than € 150 cannot be ordered.
  • The download link you receive after approval is valid for 30 days.
  • You can order up to 10 e-books per year, starting with your first order.

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information You will have to mention the DOI of the required book. You can find it in Springer Link on the website of the book. It has the format 10.XXXX/XXX-X-XXX-XXXXX-X. 

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