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Quantum Encryption and Decryption in IBMQ Systems using Quantum Permutation Pad

Maria Perepechaenko and Randy Kuang
Quantropi Inc., Ottawa, Canada

Abstract—We present a functioning implementation of Kuang et al.’s Quantum Permutation Pad (QPP) using the Qiskit developmental kit on the currently available International Business Machines (IBM) quantum computers. For this implementation, we use a pad with 28 2-qubit permutation gates that provides 128 bits of entropy. In this implementation, we divide the plaintext into blocks of 2-bits each. Each such block is encrypted one at a time. For any given block of plaintext, a quantum circuit is created with qubits initialized according to the given plaintext 2-bit block. The plaintext qubits are then acted on with 2-qubit permutation operators chosen from a 28- permutation QPP pad. Due to the inability to send qubits directly, the ciphertext qubits are measured and transmitted to the decrypting side over a classical channel. The decryption can be performed on either a classical or quantum computer. The decryption uses an inverse Quantum Permutation Pad with the Hermitian conjugates of the corresponding permutation gates used for the encryption. We are currently working on advancing the implementation of QPP to include additional steps for security and efficiency.
Index Terms—quantum communication, quantum encryption, quantum decryption, quantum security, secure communication, QPP, Qiskit, International Business Machines Quantum (IBMQ)

Cite: Maria Perepechaenko and Randy Kuang, "Quantum Encryption and Decryption in IBMQ Systems using Quantum Permutation Pad," Journal of Communications vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 972-978, December 2022. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.17.12.972-978

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