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What is Kudos, and why should I use it?

With over one million new publications being launched every year, it is becoming increasingly difficult for authors to get their work found and read. To make things even more challenging, more and more authors are now being expected to demonstrate the impact of their work in an increasingly competitive market too. With this in mind, Intellect is partnering with the web-based service Kudos to provide authors with the tools they need to help maximise exposure of their publications, making sure that they are seen by their peers and the wider academic community.

Kudos is a crosspublisher platform enabling you to claim all of your publications in one convenient place, regardless of who your original article was published with. You can also monitor the impact of your activities on citations, downloads and altmetrics (discussion of your work in the media, social media, and policy documents). Kudos has been shown to increase publication downloads by more than 20%.[1] 

[1] Based on a comparison of median average downloads for publications in a control group (where authors had not explained or shared the work via Kudos) against those in the treatment group, which had used Kudos. The study was carried out by independent analysts at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communications and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

How do I get set up?

It only takes a few minutes to set up a Kudos account. We automatically send emails to all authors when they are eligible. In your email you’ll find an invite link and instructions. You can also connect your ORCID profile if you have one.

Once you’ve registered for your free account, just click on Add Publications on your My Profile page to search for the publications you want to promote. Kudos can be used for any publication that has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), allowing you to collate all of your publications in one place. Crucially, you don’t need to know the DOI of your Intellect publication in order to use Kudos to claim it. The invitation email will automatically link to your recent Intellect article – so all you need to do is click on the link in the invitation email in order to claim it.

Kudos stores this information on your profile, thereby helping more people to find and understand your work. Each Kudos Publication Profile Page then links directly to the article abstract on Ingenta Connect, where the full text can be downloaded (subject to where a subscription is held).

How do I populate my account?

There are four basic steps to using your Kudos account to increase the visibility of your work. These steps are: Explain, Enrich, Share, Measure


Explain> Provide your publication with a short title, a summary accessible to non-experts and an impact statement.

Enrich> Include helpful links to related material.

Share> Click on the share tab of your account to generate a link. Use this link when sharing your page through different platforms to enable you to track the impact of your article.

Measure> Visit the metrics tab of your profile to see the effect of your sharing.

Please visit Intellect's showcase to see featured articles.  

We recommend you encourage all co-authors to create a Kudos account, populate it using the information covered in this guide and then use the site to claim their articles as well. This is because your combined effort of explaining, enriching and sharing via Kudos will mean that your work is circulated to a wider network of people. You’ll be able to see the increasing impact of your work by monitoring the publication metrics on the Kudos site.