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Code Name Price  
1-57273-396-9A Community Text Arises (Beverly J. Moss) $20.95
1-57273-395-0A Community Text Arises (Beverly J. Moss) $42.50
1-57273-360-8Abjection and Its Correction in Ethnographic Studies (Jill Adair McCaughan) $47.50
1-57273-468-XAcademic Identity Race, Place and Gender in the Higher Education Classroom by Robert Engvall $27.50
1-57273-467-1Academic Identity Race, Place and Gender in the Higher Education Classroom by Robert Engvall $62.50
1-57273-043-9Adult Basic Skills Innovation in Measurement and Policy Analysis (Albert Tuijnman, Irwin Kirsch,) $32.50
1-57273-042-0Adult Basic Skills Innovation in Measurement and Policy Analysis (Albert Tuijnman, Irwin Kirsch,) $76.50
1-57273-233-4Adult Numeracy Development Theory, Research Practice (Iddo Gal) $32.50
1-57273-232-6Adult Numeracy Development Theory, Research Practice (Iddo Gal) $76.50
1-57273-558-9Advances in Self-Organizing Systems by George Barnett, Renee Houston $27.50
1-57273-557-0Advances in Self-Organizing Systems by George Barnett, Renee Houston $59.50
1-57273-513-96Advertising in Everyday Life by Neil Alperstein $23.95
1-57273-512-0Advertising in Everyday Life by Neil Alperstein $39.50
1-57273-031-5Alone But Together Adult Distance Study through Computer Conferencing by Daniel Eastmond $21.95
1-57273-030-7Alone But Together Adult Distance Study through Computer Conferencing by Daniel Eastmond $49.50
1-57273-418-3American Dreams, Hebrew Subtitles Globalization from the Receiving End (Tamar Liebes) $23.95
1-57273-417-7American Dreams, Hebrew Subtitles Globalization from the Receiving End (Tamar Liebes) $49.50
1-57273-426-4An Arsenal for Democracy by Claude-Jean Bertrand $34.50
1-57273-425-6An Arsenal for Democracy Media Accountability Systems by Claude-Jean Bertrand $86.50
1-57273-445-0An Ong Reader Challenges for Further Inquiry (Walter Ong, Thomas Farrell, Paul Soukup) $35.00
1-57273-444-2An Ong Reader Challenges for Further Inquiry (Walter Ong, Thomas Farrell, Paul Soukup) $89.50
1-57273-231-6Assessing the Portfolio Principles for Practice, Theory and Research by Liz Hamp-Lyons, William Con $22.95
1-57273-230-XAssessing the Portfolio Principles for Practice, Theory and Research by Liz Hamp-Lyons, William Con $49.40
1-57273-035-8Assessment and Control at Parkview School: Qualitative Case Study of Accommodating Assessment (Chang $22.95
1-57273-034-XAssessment and Control at Parkview School: Qualitative Case Study of Accommodating Assessment (Chang $49.50

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