Coordination - Infrastructure Cluster

The Infrastructure Cluster works to drive the development and functioning of The Alliance. Members of this cluster focus on the development of organisational bylaws, new member on boarding, website development and and ethics. 

The Alliance has worked to produce an SBC code of ethics of the kind that many organisations use, across the private, non-profit, and intergovernmental sectors, to set ethical expectations and practices for organisation members. The SBC code will share some ethical concerns with codes that can be found in other areas of communication, such as journalism, marketing, and broadcasting, as well as in humanitarian organizations. But it will have ethical concerns specific to the SBC context as well. The Alliance hopes to use its code both to provide ethics guidelines for its members and to promote ethical practices throughout the broader field of social and behavior change. Progress to date has involved gathering input from interested individuals as well as Global Alliance members, developing a preliminary list of key ethical issues and principles, studying ethical approaches suitable for SBC work, and presentation of preliminary findings at two conferences:

1) Conference on Ethics and Humanitarian Research: Generating Evidence Ethically. Columbus, March 25-6, 2019 

2) Annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Madrid, July 7-11, 2019.  
