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Funding & Support

At De Gruyter, we recognize that open access funding is not uniformly available worldwide. And as a promoter of discovery, we believe that a shortage of funds should not prevent potential authors from publishing in open access.

We want to help our authors overcome these obstacles to publication and have developed a range of services to make funding and publishing your research easier.

Institutional Open Access Agreements

De Gruyter has established a number of open access agreements with leading international institutions to ensure that content from affiliated authors is accessible and affordable. Our agreements are designed to remove the burden of paying article processing charges (APCs) away from authors. Depending on the nature of the agreement, as an author, you may be able to publish open access at no cost at all – or at a significant discount.

If you are an author wishing to publish in open access, you can check if your institution has an open access agreement with De Gruyter below. Submit using your affiliated institutional e-mail address, and we will do the rest.

Agreements may be applicable to both De Gruyter’s hybrid and pure open access journals. Journals from our publisher partners are excluded. To check if the journal you are submitting to is covered by the agreement, please check each institution’s profile or contact us at

Australia and New Zealand

Authors affiliated with the following institutions in Australia and New Zealand can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (unlimited articles),
  • In pure OA journals with 20% discount on APCs (APCs covered by the author).

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • La Trobe University
  • Monash University
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Queensland

Authors affiliated with the following institutions in Austria can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (APCs covered by the institution after approval)
  • In pure OA journals with 15-20% discount on APCs (APCs covered by the author or institution, depending on the agreement)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Klagenfurt University
  • Technische Universität Wien (TUW)
  • University of Graz
  • University of Innsbruck / University and State Library of Tyrol
  • Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • University of Salzburg
  • University of Vienna
Czech Republic

Authors affiliated with institutions in the CzechELib consortium can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (limited number of APCs covered by the institution)
  • 20% discount on APCs in pure and hybrid OA journals (APCs covered by the author)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible Institutions:

  • Mendel University in Brno
  • University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
  • University of West Bohemia

Authors affiliated with the University of Southern Denmark in Denmark can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (unlimited number of APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").


Authors affiliated with institutions below can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs are covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • University of Eastern Finland

Authors affiliated with the Couperin Consortium in France can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs, after that with 20% discount for the authors).

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Germany: Humanities and Social Sciences Journals

De Gruyter has signed a nationwide transformation agreement with more than 60 institutes, represented by the Lower Saxony State and University Library in Göttingen.

Authors from participating institutions can publish articles in open access under the following conditions:

  • In selected hybrid OA journals in the humanities and social sciences, at no cost to the author (APCs are covered by the respective institution upon approval)
  • In pure OA journals with a 20% discount on APCs (APCs are covered by the author or the respective institution, depending on the agreement)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").


Which institutions are participating in the agreement?

List of participating institutions

Which hybrid journals are covered by the agreement?

Journal list

What types of articles can be published OA under this agreement?

In addition to research articles, other article types such as book reviews are also covered by the agreement.

Germany: Economics Journals

Authors affiliated with the Leibniz Institutes can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals (included in the ZBW national license) at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs are covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • ARL-Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung
  • DIW - Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
  • GIGA - German Institute for Global and Area Studies
  • IAMO - Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien
  • Ifo - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München
  • IfW - Institut für Weltwirtschaft
  • IÖR - Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR)
  • IRS - Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung
  • IWH - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle
  • RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
  • WZB - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung
  • ZEW - Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
  • ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft (Kiel)
  • ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft (Hamburg)

Authors affiliated with the HEAL-Link consortium in Greece can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (limited number of APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Academy of Athens
  • Aegean University
  • Agricultural University of Athens
  • Aquaculture Centre of Acheloos S.A. (ICHTHICA)
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Athena - Research and Innovation Center in Information Communication and Knowledge Technologies
  • Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA)
  • Athens University of Economics & Business
  • Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming"
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES)
  • Centre for Research and Technology (C.E.R.T.H.)
  • Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH)
  • General Secretariat of Research and Technology - Ministry of Education
  • Harokopio University
  • Hellenic Agricultural Organization Demeter
  • Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
  • Hellenic Mediterranean University
  • Hellenic Open University
  • Hellenic Parliament Library
  • Hellenic PASTEUR Institute
  • Institute of Educational Policy
  • International Hellenic University
  • Ionian University
  • National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
  • National Centre of Scientific Research
  • National Hellenic Research Foundation & National Documentation Centre
  • National Library of Greece
  • National Observatory of Athens
  • National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
  • Panteion University
  • School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (A.S.PE.T.E.)
  • Technical University of Crete
  • University of Athens (or National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
  • University of Crete
  • University of Ioannina
  • University of Macedonia
  • University of Patras
  • University of Peloponnese
  • University of Piraeus
  • University of Thessaly
  • University of Thrace (or Democritus University of Thrace)
  • University of West Attica
  • University of Western Macedonia

Authors affiliated with institutions in the EISZ Hungary Consortium (listed below) can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Centre for Social Sciences
  • Debrecen University
  • Eötvös Lorand University
  • Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Mathias Corvinus Collegium
  • National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Hungary
  • National University of Public Service
  • Office of the National Assembly
  • Pannon University
  • Pázmány Péter Catholic University
  • Research Centre for the Humanities
  • Semmelweis University
  • University of Szeged

Authors affiliated with MALMAD consortium in Israel can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (limited number of APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Ariel University
  • Ben Gurion University of the Negev
  • University of Haifa
  • Weizmann Institute of Science

Authors affiliated with institutions of the CRUI-CARE Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (listed below) can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • in hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (limited articles),
  • in pure OA journals at 20% discount (APCs covered by the author).

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
  • Università Cattolica del "Sacro Cuore"
  • Università degli Studi dell’INSUBRIA
  • Università degli Studi di Bergamo
  • Università degli Studi di Bologna
  • Università degli Studi di Firenze
  • Università degli studi di Genova
  • Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Università degli Studi di Padova
  • Università degli Studi di Pavia
  • Università degli Studi di Salerno
  • Università degli Studi di Sassari
  • Università degli studi di Torino
  • Università degli Studi di Trento
  • Università della Calabria
  • Università del Salento

Authors affiliated with the KERIS-Konsortium in Korea can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs).

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").


Authors affiliated with the following institutions in Mexico can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs)
  • In pure OA journals with 10% discount on APCs (APCs covered by the author)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
  • Cinvestav - Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
The Netherlands

Authors affiliated with members of the SURF Consortium, the consortium of university libraries in the Netherlands, can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (APCs covered by the institution)
  • In pure OA journals at 20% discount (APCs covered by the author).

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Free University of Amsterdam
  • Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Tilburg University
  • University of Amsterdam
  • University of Groningen
  • University of Leiden
  • University of Utrecht
  • Wageningen University

Authors affiliated with institutions in the UNIT consortium listed below can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (unlimited articles)
  • In pure OA journals at 20% discount (APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Oslo

Authors affiliated with the Jagiellonian University in Poland can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (limited number of APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").


Authors affiliated with the following institutions in Qatar can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid and pure OA journals at no cost to the author (limited number of APCs).

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • ABP – Academic Bridge Program
  • AFG College with the University of Aberdeen
  • Ahmed Bin Mohammed Military College
  • American School of Doha
  • Anti Doping Lab Qatar
  • Aspire Academy for Sports Excellence
  • Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar
  • College of the North Atlantic Qatar
  • Community College Qatar
  • Doha Center for Media Freedom
  • Doha College
  • Doha Institute
  • Equine Veterinary Medical Center
  • Hamad bin Khalifa University
  • Hamad General Hospital
  • KahraMaa
  • Lusail University
  • Ministry of Education and Higher Education
  • Ministry of Public Health Qatar
  • Msheireb Museums
  • Museum of Islamic Art
  • Primary Health Care Corporation
  • Qatar Biomedical Research Institute
  • Qatar Central Bank
  • Qatar Credit Bureau
  • Qatar Foundation
  • Qatar National Library
  • Qatar Petroleum
  • Qatar University
  • Sidra Medical and Research Center
  • Texas A&M University at Qatar

Authors affiliated with the University of Barcelona in Spain can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the Author (limited number of APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").


Authors affiliated with institutions in the BIBSAM Consortium (listed below) can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author (unlimited articles)
  • In pure OA journals at 30% discount (APCs covered by the institution)

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Dalarna University
  • Linnaeus University
  • Luleå University of Technology
  • Lund University
  • Mälardalen University
  • Mid Sweden University
  • Örebro University
  • Royal Institute of Technology/ Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
  • Södertörn University
  • Stockholm University
  • University of Gothenburg
  • Uppsala University

De Gruyter offers an offset of up to 90% on the APC paid by participating institutions (listed below).

This agreement only covers articles in journals licensed by the respective institution within the framework of the Swiss consortia. APCs paid for articles in pure OA journals will not be considered.

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Bibliothèque de l’Université de Geneve
  • Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne
  • Bibliothek Universität St. Gallen
  • Zentralbibliothek Zürich
  • ETH-Bibliothek Zürich
  • FernUni Schweiz – Institut für universitäre Fernstudien in der Schweiz
  • Lib4RI – Library for the Research Institutes within the ETH Domain:
    • Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI);
    • Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa);
    • Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag);
    • Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
  • Universitätsbibliothek – Universität Basel
United Kingdom

Authors affiliated with institutions in the Jisc consortium can publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals at no cost to the author

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Aston University
  • Bangor University
  • Imperial College London
  • King's College London
  • Lancaster University
  • London School of Economics
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • University College Library
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Durham
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Essex
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Kent
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of St. Andrews
  • University of Sussex
  • University of Warwick

Authors affiliated with institutions listed below may publish primary research and review articles in open access with the negotiated terms and discounts:

  • In hybrid OA journals (unlimited number of APCs covered by the institution),
  • 10-15% discount on APCs in pure OA journals (APC covered by the author)*

For articles with multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement is considered the eligible author ("corresponding author").

Eligible institutions:

  • Iowa State University
  • Michigan State University (* unlimited token for pure OA journals)
  • University of Chicago
  • Virginia Commonwealth University

Eligible Authors

All teaching and research staff affiliated with the institution, as well as students enrolled at the time of acceptance of your publication, are eligible authors. In the case of articles published by multiple authors, the author who signs the publishing agreement will be considered the eligible author.

Please note that authors are only eligible once they have agreed to the open access publishing agreement, which is current at the time. Currently, this agreement refers to the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. The corresponding author shall be the author who signs the publishing agreement.

Eligible article types

Which article types are included in the agreement?

Original Paper – Standard articles, usually presenting new results; articles published under this article type may also be referred to as original research, original articles, original papers or research papers

Review Paper – An article that interprets previously published results

Brief Communication – Short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a standard article

Continuing Education – Article forming an integral part of further education (usually medical)

Case Reports – Articles in medical journals

Please note that articles have to be original and not infringe on any law and/or third-party rights and meet ethical standards.

How to publish your article in Open Access

Hybrid Journals:

  • Submit your article. Instructions on how to submit are specified on each journal webpage under the Submission of Manuscripts tab.
  • Don’t forget to submit your article using your affiliated institutional e-mail address.
  • If your article is accepted, we automatically check if an open access agreement applies.
  • If an article is eligible and APCs are covered by your institution, your article will be published in open access under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 at no cost for you.
  • If APCs are not covered by the institution, you will get the opportunity to publish in open access at a full or discounted APC.
  • Some journals may ask if you wish to publish open access at the point of submission and will check if APCs would be covered by the institution. This step is for advice only as most agreements apply to the date of acceptance.

Pure Open Access Journals:

  • Submit your article. Instructions on how to submit are specified on each journal webpage under the Submission of Manuscripts tab.
  • Eligible authors are notified of the negotiated deal discount and charged accordingly. De Gruyter issues a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 and the article is published in open access.

Funding support

Many institutions around the world support open access publishing and have funding available to help authors cover the cost of publishing fees. In order to help authors find suitable funding, we have identified institutions that offer financial support for article processing charges and/or book processing charges. For more information, contact us at

Waivers and Discounts

Waiver policy

De Gruyter offers a generous waiver scheme that covers open access publishing costs and is available to individual authors upon application.

To qualify for our waiver scheme and apply for waivers on De Gruyter’s pure OA journals, authors must be affiliated primarily with institutions located in countries with low per capita incomes (low income and lower middle income, according to World Bank classification). Each case is considered individually. Authors are asked to contact the journal Editorial Office to apply for a waiver before, or straight after submitting their article.

True to our underlying values of fairness and equality, we are also happy to consider individual waiver applications.


Journal editors benefit from an automatic 15% discount on any publication charges, irrespective of location.

Contact us

For more information, or to discuss how we can help you fund and publish your next piece of research, contact our Open Access Funding team:

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