Komodifikasi Anak dalam Variety Show Korea Selatan The Return of Superman (TROS)


  • Irani Yosef Universitas Paramadina




Critical Discourse Analysis, Children's Commodification, Variety Show


This study aims to determine the practices of child commodification in a South Korean variety show: The Return of Superman (TROS). This study uses qualitative research methods through Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis (CDA). The results show that there was a commodification of children hidden behind the title of the program; this program is a product of popular culture with capitalist practices as a background: profit-oriented and market-regulated; and variety show interpreted more negatively because it has exploited the commodification practices and abuse of children's rights in the interest of the media.


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How to Cite

Yosef, I. (2022). Komodifikasi Anak dalam Variety Show Korea Selatan The Return of Superman (TROS). Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI, 19(2, Desember), 145–162. https://doi.org/10.24002/jik.v19i2, Desember.3998