"Najlepsze kryminały retro" [The Best Retro Crime Fiction Novels],, [access: 12 November 2021].
Izabella Adamczewska, "True Crime Novel – pomiędzy literaturą piękną a dziennikarstwem" [True Crime Novel – Between Fiction and Journalism], 2016, in: Apetyt na rzeczywistość. Między literaturą a dziennikarstwem – relacje, interakcje, perspektywy [Appetite for Reality. Between Literature and Journalism – Relations, Interactions, Perspectives], edited by Anna Kłosińska-Nachin, Ewa Kobylecka-Piwońska, Łódź: WUŁ: 91-116.
Krzysztof Adamski, Wiesław Bieliński, "Kryminały też sprzedają się źle!" [Crime Fiction does not Sell Well Too!], Przekrój, 1992, No. 2461: 22.
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Mariusz Czubaj, Etnolog w Mieście Grzechu. Powieść kryminalna jako świadectwo antropologiczne [Ethnologist in the City of Sin. Crime Novel as an Anthropological Testimony], Gdańsk: Oficynka, 2010.
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Robert Dudziński, "Milicjanci, milicja i specjaliści. Proceduralny aspekt powieści milicyjnej" [Militia Officers, Militia, and Experts. Procedural Aspect of Militia Novel], 2016, In: Literatura kryminalna. Na tropie motywów [Crime Literature. On the Trail of Motifs], edited by Anna Gemra, Cracow: EMG: 253-271.
Elżbieta Dutka, "Historia kryminalna w realiach PRL-u" ze Śląskiem w tle. O "Ręcznej robocie" Ryszarda Ćwirleja" ["Crime Story in the Polish People’s Republic" with Silesia in the Background. About Handwork by Ryszard Ćwirlej], 2011, In: id., Zapisywanie miejsca. Szkice o Śląsku w literaturze przełomu wieków XX i XXI [Saving Places. Sketches about the Portrayal of Silesia in Literature of the Turn of 20th and 21st Centuries], Katowice: Silesian University Press: 210-228.
Anna Gemra, "Eberhard Mock na tropie: Breslau/Wrocław w powieściach Marka Krajewskiego" [Eberhard Mock on the Trail: Breslau/Wrocław in Novels Written by Marek Krajewski], 2013, In: Śląskie pogranicza kultur [Silesian Boundaries of Culture], edited by Marian Ursel, Olga Taranek-Wolańska, Wrocław: ATUT, v. 2: 119-144.
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Anna Gemra (eds), Literatura kryminalna. Na tropie motywów [Crime Literature. On the Trail of Motifs], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow: EMG, 2016.
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Marianne Hirsch, The Generation of Post-memory: Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust, New York: Columbia University Press, 2012.
Jerzy Jarzębski, "Pamięć i rzeczy: paradoksy enumeracji" [Memory and Things: Paradoxes of Enumeration], 2002, in: Codzienne, przedmiotowe, cielesne. Języki nowej wrażliwości w literaturze polskiej XX wieku [Everyday, Usual, Physical. Languages of New Sensitivity in Polish Literature of 20th Century], edited by Hanna Gos, Izabelin: IBL: 87-100.
Paweł Kaczyński, "Kryminał historyczny – próba poetyki" [Historical Mystery – an Attempt of Poetics], [in]: Literatura kryminalna. Śledztwo w sprawie gatunków [Crime Literature. Investigation in Genres], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow: EMG: 191-209, 2014.
Paweł Kaczyński, Paweł,"Świat poprawiony. Autentyczne sprawy kryminalne jako tworzywo powieści milicyjnej" [Improved World: Real Criminal Cases as Material for Militia Novels], 2015, in: Literatura i kultura popularna: badania, analizy, interpretacje [Popular Literature and Culture: Researches, Analyses and Interpretations], edited by Anna Gemra, Wrocław Studio of Literature and Popular Culture and New Media: 119-136.
Wojciech Kajtoch, "O poznawczych korzyściach z historycznych seriali kryminalnych" [About Cognitive Advantages of Historical Crime Series], [in]: id., Szkice polonistyczno-rusycystyczne [Polish and Russian Sketches], Olsztyn: Centre for Eastern European Studies at the University of Warmia and Mazury, 2015, 137-158.
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Mariusz Kraska, Prosta sztuka zabijania. Figury czytania kryminału [A Simple Art of Killing. Figures of Reading Crime Fiction], Gdańsk: słowo-obraz/terytoria, 2013.
Stanisław Kryński, "Powieść środowiskowa o artyście. Linie jej przemian w dwudziestoleciu" [Socio-cultural Novel about an Artist. Lines of its Change in Interwar Period], Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio FF, 2007, v. XXV: 49: 56.
Wojciech Piotr Kwiatek, Zagadki bez niewiadomych. Kto i dlaczego zamordował polską powieść kryminalną [Mysteries without Secrets. Who and Why Killed Polish Crime Fiction], Warsaw: Baker street 21, 2007.
Małgorzata Major, "Telewizyjny kryminał "zwierciadłem przechadzającym się po gościńcu"? Serial "The Wire" jako Stany Zjednoczone w pigułce" [Television Crime Action as "a Mirror Strolling through Streets"? "The Wire" Series as the United States in a Nutshell], 2015, in: Kryminał. Gatunek poważ(a)ny? [Crime Fiction. Serious/Reputable Genre?], v. II: Kryminał wobec problemów społecznych i kulturowych [Crime Fiction and Social and Cultural Problems], edited by Tomasz Dalasiński, Tomasz – Szymon Markiewka, Toruń: UMK: 88-99.
Jan Marx, Andrzej Wydrzyński [a conversation], "W literaturze sensacyjnej znalazł schronienie pozytywny bohater naszych czasów…" [A Positive Character of Our Times Found a Shelter in Action Fiction…], Dziś, 1990, No, 5: 102-109.
Damian Matyszczak, "Kryminał po śląsku – Marcin Melon, Kōmisarz Hanusik" [Silesian Crime Story – Marcin Melon – Lieutenant Hanusik],, 2017,ł-po-śląsku-marcin-melon,-kōmisorz-hanusik.html [access: 2 February 2022].
Tomasz Mizerkiewicz, Czas fantastyki, kryminału, powieści historycznej [The Time of Fantasy, Crime Fiction, Historical Novel], 2013, in: id., Literatura obecna. Szkice o najnowszej prozie i krytyce [Contemporary Literature. Outlines of Contemporary Prose and Criticism], Cracow: Znak: 187-234.
Małgorzata Myśliwiec "Górnośląski regionalizm – oddziaływanie wzorców europejskich" [Upper Silesian Regionalism – Influence of European Models], 2014, in: Śląsk –10 lat członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej [Silesia – 10 Years of Membership in the European Union], edited by R. Riedel, Racibórz-Wrocław: 93-114.
Ewelina Nurczyńska-Fidelska, ""Czarny realizm". O stylu i jego funkcji w filmach nurtu współczesnego" [Black Realism. About Style and its Functions in Modern Films], Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Scientiae Artium et Litterarum, 1998, issue 7: 33-47.
Robert Ostaszewski, "Zapał do kryminału" [Enthusiasm for Crime Fiction], Polityka, 2011, No. 13: 92.
Małgorzata Roeske,"Moda czy nostalgia? O tym, jak PRL funkcjonuje w wyobraźni społecznej współczesnych Polaków" [Trend or Nostalgia? How the Polish People’s Republic Functions in Imagination of Contemporary Poles?], Kultura Popularna, 2014, No. 2: 140-151.
Violetta Sajkiewicz, "Czar (nie)pamięci. Nostalgia za PRL-em, w najnowszej sztuce polskiej" [Appeal of (the Lack of) Recollection. Nostalgia for the Polish People’s Republic in the Newest Polish Play], Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 2008, No. 2: 27-72.
Karolina Sidowska, "Polska powieść uniwersytecka" [Polish Campus Novel], Acta Universitatis Lodzendzis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 2015, No. 4: 149-157.
Dorota Simonides, Jan Dziadul, "Narodziny narodu" [Birth of the Nation], Polityka, 2003, No. 28: 20-22.
Łucja Staniczkowa, "O "Komisorzu Hanusiku" Marcina Melona" [About "Lieutenant Hanusik" by Marcin Melon], Górnoślązak, 2015, No. 1-2: 28.
Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz, "Zbrodnia po polsku" [Polish Crime], [in]: id., Mieszkańcy masowej wyobraźni [Residents of Collective Imagination], Warsaw: PIW, 1970, 132-157.
Urszula Urban,"Transformacja ustrojowa a pamięć zbiorowa Polski Ludowej – między nostalgią a zapomnieniem" [Structural Transformation and Collective Memory of People’s Poland – Between Nostalgia and Oblivion], Studia Politologiczne, v. 15: Czas próby. Polski przełom polityczny roku 1989 [Trial: Polish Political Breakthrough of 1989], edited by Anna Materska-Sosnowska, Tomasz Słomka, Warsaw, 2009: 104-114.
Krystyna Walc, "Nie tylko powieść milicyjna. Kryminalne serie PRL-u: "Klub Srebrnego Klucza" , "Labirynt" i "Seria z Jamnikiem"" [Not Only Militia Novels. Crime Series of the Polish People’s Republic: "Silver Key Club", "Labyrinth", and "Series with Dachshund"], 2014, in: Literatura i kultura popularna. Badania i metody [Popular Literature and Culture. Researches and Methods], edited by Anna Gemra, Adam Mazurkiewicz, Wrocław: Studio of Literature and Popular Culture and New Media: 77-89.
Aleksandra Wicik, "Jestem pisarzem kryminalistą. Rozmowa z Ryszardem Ćwirlejem" [I am an Author of Crime Fiction. A Conversation with Ryszard Ćwirlej], Policja, 2010, No. 1: 47.
Anna Ziębińska-Witek, "Wizualizacje pamięci - upamiętnianie Zagłady w muzeach" [Visualisation of Memory – Memorial of the Holocaust in Museums], Kwartalnik Historii Żydów, 2006, No. 3, p. 366-378.
Haut de page
J. Chłosta-Zielonka, "Zamiast powieści obyczajowej. Cechy współczesnej polskiej powieści sensacyjnej" [In Lieu of a Novel of Matters. Features of Polish Action Books], Media. Kultura. Komunikacja Społeczna, 2013, No. 9, p. 97. cf. T. Mizerkiewicz, Czas fantastyki, kryminału, powieści historycznej [The Time of Fantasy, Crime Fiction, Historical Novel], [in]: id., Literatura obecna. Szkice o najnowszej prozie i krytyce [Contemporary Literature. Outlines of Contemporary Prose and Criticism], Cracow, 2013, pp. 187-234.
See M. Czubaj, Etnolog w Mieście Grzechu. Powieść kryminalna jako świadectwo antropologiczne [Ethnologist in the City of Sin. Crime Novel as an Anthropological Testimony], Gdańsk, 2010; M. Kraska, Prosta sztuka zabijania. Figury czytania kryminału [A Simple Art of Killing. Figures of Reading Crime Fiction], Gdańsk, 2013; Literatura kryminalna. Śledztwo w sprawie gatunku [Crime Literature. An Investigation into Genre], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow, 2014; Literatura kryminalna. Na tropie źródeł [Crime Literature. On the Trail of Sources], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow, 2015; Kryminał. Gatunek poważ(a)ny? [Crime Fiction. Serious/Reputable Genre?], ed. T. Dalasiński, T. Sz. Markiewka, Toruń, 2015, v. 1-2; Literatura kryminalna. Na tropie motywów [Crime Literature. On the Trail of Motifs], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow, 2016.
See M. Major, "Telewizyjny kryminał 'zwierciadłem przechadzającym się po gościńcu'"? Serial "The Wire" jako Stany Zjednoczone w pigułce" [Television Crime Action as "a Mirror Strolling through Streets "? "The Wire " Series as the United States in a Nutshell], [in]: Kryminał. Gatunek poważ(a)ny? [Crime Fiction. Serious/Reputable Genre?], v. II: Kryminał wobec problemów społecznych i kulturowych [Crime Fiction and Social and Cultural Problems], ed. T. Dalasiński, T. Sz. Markiewka, Toruń, 2015, pp. 88-99.
See J. Marx, A. Wydrzyński [a conversation], "W literaturze sensacyjnej znalazł schronienie pozytywny bohater naszych czasów…" [A Positive Character of Our Times Found a Shelter in Action Fiction…], Dziś, 1992, No, 5, pp. 102-109.
Also see T. Bielak, Proza Macieja Słomczyńskiego (Joe Alexa) [Prose by Maciej Słomczyński (Joe Alex)], Katowice, 2008.
See K. Adamski, W. Bieliński, "Kryminały też sprzedają się źle!" [Crime Fiction Does Not Sell Well either!], Przekrój, 1992, No. 2461, p. 22. Synthetically signalled changes are discussed by Bogdan Klukowski and Marek Tobera; see id., W tym niezwykłym czasie. Początki transformacji polskiego rynku książki (1989-1995) [In This Unusual Time. The Beginnings of a Polish Book Market Transformation (1989-1995)], Warsaw, 2013.
It is important that in 1989 Polish Television broadcast the first seasons of the TV series Miami Vice (USA, 1984-1990, directed by Don Johnson and David Anspaugh). In hindsight, it turned to be a breakthrough. Regardless of the fact that it was not the first American production broadcasted in TVP in the 1970s (as the Polish audience could watch also the TV series entitled Columbo and Kojak), Miami Vice introduced the lonely policeman character, a type of a protagonist who is perceived, in people’s minds, as a person who often goes against his supervisors’ orders. However, such characters were first found in Poland in Artur Morena's [aka Andrzej Wydrzyński] novel Czas zatrzymuje się dla umarłych [Time Stops for the Dead] (1969) and in the TV series 07 zgłoś się [07 Come In] (Poland, 1976-1989, directed by Krzysztof Szmagier, Andrzej Piotrowski and Kazimierz Tarnas). Nevertheless, these characters were rare; Captain Żbik – a protagonist from an extremely popular series Kolorowe Zeszyty [Colourful Notebooks] (so called Żbiki [Zbiks]; 1968-1982) – were portrayed in an ideological way; he was a role model of an officer in militia and a community worker. Whereas characters from Miami Vice became prototypes for Lieutenant Halski from a TV series Ekstradycja [Extradition], who – looking back – is the most important point of reference for contemporary fictional Polish police officers (both in novels and in TV series and movies).
Polonia1 (established in 1992) was the oldest commercial broadcaster among the ones that had been available in Poland. It was dominated by action and detective TV series produced in the USA, Japan anime, and South American soap operas. Along with the increasingly accessible personal computers and video games, the offer provided by Polonia 1 was changing the country's entertainment model.
Krzystek’s performance was the second attempt at transferring Lem’s work to film after the film adaptation directed by Marek Piestrak in 1973. The latest theatrical adaptation of Lem’s novel came in 2020, was directed by Maciej Masztalski and presented at the International Crime and Mystery Festival in Wrocław.
Not every other initiative turned out to be as interesting as the theatrical adaptations of Śledztwo [Investigation]. A theatrical adaptation of Ryba płynie za mordercą [Fish Follows a Murderer] (Poland, 1993, directed by Jan Warenycia) was especially disappointing in this regard. So was its version of a radio play (an adaption devised by Irena Szopska, release date: 28 August 1993). Both were based on a novel of the same name written in 1959 by Umberto Pesco [aka Ireneusz Iredyński]. The novel was reprinted in 1991 by one of publishing houses newly established at that time, but there was little interest in it from literary critics. Only one publicist wrote a short article - a journalist from Warsaw writing under the pen name "kap " (see kap [aka?], "Pesco, czyli Iredyński" [Pesco, aka Iredyński], Życie Warszawy, 1991, No. 276, p. 9).
See R. Ostaszewski, "Zapał do kryminału" [Enthusiasm for Crime Fiction], Polityka, 2011, No. 13, p. 92.
See J. Chłosta-Zielonka, Zamiast powieści obyczajowej: cechy współczesnej polskiej powieści sensacyjnej [In Lieu of a Novel of Manners: Features of Polish Action Books], pp. 89-98.
See S. Kryński, "Powieść środowiskowa o artyście. Linie jej przemian w dwudziestoleciu" [Socio-cultural Novel about an Artist. Lines of its Change in Interwar Period], Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio FF, 2007, v. XXV, p. 49.
See K. Sidowska, "Polska powieść uniwersytecka" [Polish Campus Novel], Acta Universitatis Lodzendzis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 2015, No. 4, pp. 149-157.
See M. Czubaj, Etnolog w Mieście Grzechu. Powieść kryminalna jako świadectwo antropologiczne [Ethnologist in the City of Sin. Crime Novel as an Anthropological Testimony], pp. 30-31.
See A. Hejlsted, Den skandinaviske femi-krimi – definition og historiske aner, [acces: 4 February 2022].
Hence, it is a mistake to treat retro crime fiction novels written in the interwar period (e.g. works by Adam Nasielski) and works by Marek Krajewski as equals; see "Najlepsze kryminały retro" [The Best Retro Crime Fiction Novels],, [access: 12 November 2021].
See A. Gemra, "Eberhard Mock na tropie: Breslau/Wrocław w powieściach Marka Krajewskiego" [Eberhard Mock on the Trail: Breslau/Wrocław in Novels Written by Marek Krajewski], [in]: Śląskie pogranicza kultur [Silesian Boundaries of Culture], ed. M. Ursel, O. Taranek-Wolańska, Wrocław, 2013, v. 2, pp. 119-144.
See P. Kaczyński, "Kryminał historyczny – próba poetyki" [Historical Mystery – an Attempt of Poetics], [in]: Literatura kryminalna. Śledztwo w sprawie gatunków [Crime Literature. Investigation in Genres], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow, 2014, p. 192. Jürgen Thorwald was seeking a relationship between criminology evolution and knowledge and inventions (see id., Stulecie detektywów [The Century of the Detective], Polish translation: K. Bunsch, W. Kragen, Cracow, 2009, p. 696).
Examples of works which influenced the form of subsequent crime literature are those by Kazimierz Chłędowski (Po nitce do kłębka [Breadcrumb Trail], 1872) inspired by Gaboriau’s novels, but also the so called "Sherlocks", meaning stories gaining a benefit from the popularity of Conan Doyle’s novels; they were published in such periodicals as: Szerlok Holmes. Tygodnik Kryminalny [Sherlock Holmes. Crime Weekly] (1909-1910), and Sherlock Holmes. Najsłynniejszy Ajent Śledczy Świata [Sherlock Holmes. The Most Popular Investigator in the World] (1939).
The excessive use of details typical for retro crime fiction is described in an interesting way in the Zofia Szczupaczyńska series written by Maryla Szymiczkowa [aka Jacek Dehnel and Piotr Tarczyński]. The series portray a self-proclaimed detective who solves mysteries in Cracow in Belle Époque (Tajemnica Domu Helclów [The Mystery of Helcls’ House], 2015; Rozdarta zasłona [A Torn Curtain], 2016; Seans w Domu Egipskim [A Seance in Egyptian House], 2018; Złoty róg [Golden Horn], 2020). Assumptions that form retro crime fiction are treated in mentioned novels in an instrumental way, as an excuse to reflect upon mechanisms of cultural nostalgia.
See W. Kajtoch, "O poznawczych korzyściach z historycznych seriali kryminalnych" [About Cognitive Advantages of Historical Crime Series], [in]: id., Szkice polonistyczno-rusycystyczne [Polish and Russian Sketches], Olsztyn, 2015, pp. 140-143. A detailed description may be a symptom of a tendency to emphasise the background of human existence; see: J. Jarzębski, "Pamięć i rzeczy: paradoksy enumeracji" [Memory and Things: Paradoxes of Enumeration], [in]: Codzienne, przedmiotowe, cielesne. Języki nowej wrażliwości w literaturze polskiej XX wieku [Everyday, Usual, Physical. Languages of New Sensitivity in Polish Literature of 20th Century], ed. H. Gos, Izabelin, 2002, p. 87.
See A. Ziębińska-Witek, "Wizualizacje pamięci - upamiętnianie Zagłady w muzeach" [Visualisation of Memory – Memorial of the Holocaust in Museums], Kwartalnik Historii Żydów, 2006, No. 3, p. 367.
In Polish humanistic reflection, "post-memory" is primarily considered as a category connected with the Holocaust. It is worth remembering that Hirsch extended the category of "post-memory" by adding that the trauma could be a result of other events than the Holocaust; Hirsch asks rhetorically: "And what about other traumatic histories — slavery, dictatorships, war, political terror, apartheid? " (id., The Generation of Post-memory: Writing and Visual Culture After the Holocaust, New York, 2012, p. 15).
See A. Giddens, Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Polish translation: A. Szulżycka, Warsaw, 2001, p. 107.
See notes about novel Błyskawiczna wypłata: [access: 12 November 2021].
It is obvious that not every action fiction written between the years 1956 and 1989 should be identified with militia novels; see K. Walc, "Nie tylko powieść milicyjna. Kryminalne serie PRL-u: "Klub Srebrnego Klucza", "Labirynt" i "Seria z Jamnikiem" [Not Only Militia Novels. Crime Series of the Polish People’s Republic: "Silver Key Club", "Labyrinth", and "Series with Dachshund"], [in]: Literatura i kultura popularna. Badania i metody [Popular Literature and Culture. Researches and Methods], ed. A. Gemra, A. Mazurkiewicz, Wrocław, 2014, pp. 77-89.
See E. Nurczyńska-Fidelska, "Czarny realizm". O stylu i jego funkcji w filmach nurtu współczesnego" [Black Realism. About Style and its Functions in Modern Films], Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Scientiae Artium et Litterarum, 1998, issue 7, pp. 33-47.
See K. T. Toeplitz, "Zbrodnia po polsku" [Polish Crime], [in]: id., Mieszkańcy masowej wyobraźni [Residents of Collective Imagination], Warsaw, 1970, pp. 132-157; S. Barańczak, "Poetyka polskiej powieści kryminalnej" [Poetics of Polish Crime Fiction], Teksty, 1973, No. 6, pp. 63-82; id., "W kręgu powieści: nadludzie w niebieskich mundurach" [In Novel Circle: Overmen in Blue Uniforms], [in]: id., Czytelnik ubezwłasnowolniony. Perswazja w masowej kulturze literackiej PRL [Incapacitated Reader. Persuasion in Mass Literary Culture of the Polish People’s Republic], Paris, 1983, pp. 96-132.
See P. Małochleb, Dziedzictwo powieści milicyjnej. PRL jako temat literatury kryminalnej [Legacy of Militia Novels. The Polish People’s Republic as a Theme of Crime Literature], pp. 248-260.
See S. Barańczak, W kręgu powieści: nadludzie w niebieskich mundurach [In Novel Circle: Overmen in Blue Uniforms], p. 129.
See P. Kaczyński, "Świat poprawiony. Autentyczne sprawy kryminalne jako tworzywo powieści milicyjnej" [Improved World: Real Criminal Cases as Material for Militia Novels], [in]: Literatura i kultura popularna: badania, analizy, interpretacje [Popular Literature and Culture: Researches, Analyses and Interpretations], ed. A. Gemra, Wrocław, 2015, pp. 119-136. Cf. W. P. Kwiatek, Zagadki bez niewiadomych. Kto i dlaczego zamordował polską powieść kryminalną [Mysteries without Secrets. Who and Why Killed Polish Crime Fiction], Warsaw, 2007, p. 35. The growing popularity of "true crime" can be observed these days and is indicated by publishing texts on the borderline of reportage and fiction. These works can be – after Izabella Adamczewska – considered as a connection of fiction and non-fiction (see id., "True Crime Novel – pomiędzy literaturą piękną a dziennikarstwem" [True Crime Novel – Between Fiction and Journalism], [in]: Apetyt na rzeczywistość. Między literaturą a dziennikarstwem – relacje, interakcje, perspektywy [Appetite for Reality. Between Literature and Journalism – Relations, Interactions, Perspectives], ed. A. Kłosińska-Nachin, E. Kobylecka-Piwońska, Łódź, 2016, pp. 91-116).
See K. T. Toeplitz, Zbrodnia po polsku [Polish Crime], p. 155.
See V. Sajkiewicz, "Czar (nie)pamięci. Nostalgia za PRL-em, w najnowszej sztuce polskiej" [Appeal of (the Lack of) Recollection. Nostalgia for the Polish People’s Republic in the Newest Polish Play], Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 2008, No. 2, pp. 27-72; U. Urban, "Transformacja ustrojowa a pamięć zbiorowa Polski Ludowej – między nostalgią a zapomnieniem" [Structural Transformation and Collective Memory of People’s Poland – Between Nostalgia and Oblivion], Studia Politologiczne, v. 15: Czas próby. Polski przełom polityczny roku 1989 [Trial: Polish Political Breakthrough of 1989], ed. A. Materska-Sosnowska, T. Słomka, Warsaw, 2009, pp. 104-114; M. Brocki, "Nostalgia za PRL-em. Próba analizy" [Nostalgia for the Polish People’s Republic. An Attempt for Analysis], Polska Sztuka Ludowa. Konteksty, 2011, No. 1, pp. 26-33; M. Roeske, "Moda czy nostalgia? O tym, jak PRL funkcjonuje w wyobraźni społecznej współczesnych Polaków" [Trend or Nostalgia? How the Polish People’s Republic Functions in Imagination of Contemporary Poles?], Kultura Popularna, 2014, No. 2, pp. 140-151.
See E. Dutka, "Historia kryminalna w realiach PRL-u" ze Śląskiem w tle. O "Ręcznej robocie" Ryszarda Ćwirleja" ["Crime Story in the Polish People’s Republic" with Silesia in the Background. About Handwork by Ryszard Ćwirlej], [in]: id., Zapisywanie miejsca. Szkice o Śląsku w literaturze przełomu wieków XX i XXI [Saving Places. Sketches about the Portrayal of Silesia in Literature of the Turn of 20th and 21st Centuries], Katowice, 2011, pp. 210-228. There is a different category among images of the Polish People’s Republic presented in crime stories in texts on the borderline between fiction and reportage whose authors describe high-profile criminal cases that shocked the public. They represent (especially in English-speaking countries) a popular convention of true crime story. An exemplary representative is In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences (1965) by Truman Capote. Examples of a fictionalised reportage, also representing the convention, are works by Przemysław Semczuk: Wampir z Zagłębia [Zagłębie Vampire] (2016) dedicated to Zdzisław Marchwicki (span of crimes: 1964-1970) and controversy around his trial that ended with death sentence, and Kryptonim "Frankenstein" [Code Name: Frankenstein] (2017) about Joachim Knychała (a serial killer who terrorised Silesian women between 1974 and 1982), and Wampir z Warszawy [The Vampire of Warsaw] (2020) by Jarosław Molenda (about Tadeusz Ołdak who committed a series of crimes in 1950 in districts of Warsaw such as Anin, Targówek, Gocław, and Grochów).
Selected volumes of Na F/Aktach [Based on F/Acts] series are also worth mentioning. They address high-profile criminal cases from the Polish People’s Republic and 1990s: Smutek cinkciarza [Sadness of Money-changer] (2016) by Sylwia Chutnik (about life and death of an unauthorised money-changer) and Ostatnia wizyta [Last Visit] (2017) by Jacek Ostrowski (about abduction of a medical doctor from Płock on 5 June 1970, not solved yet).
A. Wicik, "Jestem pisarzem kryminalistą. Rozmowa z Ryszardem Ćwirlejem" [I am an Author of Crime Fiction. A Conversation with Ryszard Ćwirlej], Policja, 2010, No. 1, p. 47.
See R. Dudziński, "Milicjanci, milicja i specjaliści. Proceduralny aspekt powieści milicyjnej" [Militia Officers, Militia, and Experts. Procedural Aspect of Militia Novel], [in]: Literatura kryminalna. Na tropie motywów [Crime Literature. On the Trail of Motifs], ed. A. Gemra, Cracow, 2016, pp. 253-271.
See T. Cieślikowska, "Struktura współczesnej powieści kryminalnej na tle współczesnego powieściopisarstwa" [Structure of Contemporary Crime Fiction against the Background of Modern Writing], [in]: id., W kręgu genologii, intertekstualności, teorii sugestii [In the Circle of Genology, Intertextuality, Theories of Suggestion], Warsaw, 1995, p. 65.
See D. Matyszczak, "Kryminał po śląsku – Marcin Melon, Kōmisarz Hanusik" [Silesian Crime Story – Marcin Melon – Lieutenant Hanusik],,ł-po-śląsku-marcin-melon,-kōmisorz-hanusik.html [access: 2 February 2022]; Ł. Staniczkowa, "O "Komisorzu Hanusiku" Marcina Melona" [About "Lieutenant Hanusik" by Marcin Melon], Górnoślązak, 2015, No. 1-2, p. 28.
Melon’s artistic decision to make a regional variant of a language the medium not only of dialogues but also of narrative is connected with and observable in the 21st century tendencies to emphasise distinctiveness of Silesia as a region on the socio-cultural map of Poland (see M. Myśliwiec, "Górnośląski regionalizm – oddziaływanie wzorców europejskich" [Upper Silesian Regionalism – Influence of European Models], [in]: Śląsk –10 lat członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej [Silesia – 10 Years of Membership in the European Union], ed. R. Riedel, Racibórz-Wrocław, 2014, pp. 93-114). Ruch Autonomii Śląska ([Silesian Autonomy Movement]; an organisation founded in 1990) is part of the aforementioned separatist aspirations. This is a programme with an initiative called Masz prawo zadeklarować narodowość śląską [You Have the Right to Declare Your Silesian Nationality] which was connected with the national census (2002) and aimed to draw the public's attention to the problem of this region’s distinctiveness. Shortly after that, other organisations joined Ruch Autonomii Śląska [Silesian Autonomy Movement], including Pro Loquela Silesiana (founded in 2007), Ślōnskŏ Ferajna [Silesian Crowd] (founded in 2008), and Nasz Wspólny Śląski Dom [Our Common Silesian Home] (founded in 2012). Along with with other foundations and organisations, these formed Rada Górnośląska in 2012 one of the aims of is to fight for the acknowledgement of the Silesian language as a regional language (for more see [access: 29 November 2020]). The political character of the project in favour of distinctiveness of Silesia should not override considerations of this activity as an expression of protest against the lack of interest in this region’s affairs in national politics after 1989 (see a statement of Dorota Simonides J. Dziadul, "Narodziny narodu" [Birth of the Nation], Polityka, 2003, dated 12 July, No. 28, pp. 20-22).
See M. Głowiński, "Czy literatura może być wzorem mowy?" [Can Literature be a Speech Model?], [in]: id., Poetyka i okolice [Poetics and Other], Warsaw, 1992, p. 257.
See M. de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, Polish translation: K. Thiel-Jańczuk, Cracow, 2008, p. XLI.
The cultural policy of the Swedish Government promotes native creators abroad and thus played a major role in the dissemination of Scandinavian crime literature in Poland. The long-standing popularity of works from this region of Europe has also contributed to the enthusiastic reception in Poland of Scandinavian crime writers, as evidenced by the creation of the "Seria Dzieł Pisarzy Skandynawskich" ["Series works of Scandinavian Writers"] in 1956-1990 and 2018-2021. It appeared in novels by Knutt Hamsun, Sigrid Undset, Ingmar Bergam, Selma Langerlof. The second source of popularity of Scandinavian literature in Poland derived from the children's books by Tove Jansson, Astrid Lindgren, Selma Lagerlof, Gosta Gnuttson. In addition to them, the series "Detective Office of Lasse and Maia" (2002-; in Polish 2008-) by Martin Widmark and Hellen Willis is now popular. Also see: M. Samsel-Chojnacka, Skazani na sukces. Geneza fenomenu skandynawskiej powieści kryminalnej [Bound to succeed. The genesis of the phenomenon of Scandinavian crime fiction], [in]: Ambicje literatury popularnej [Ambitions of popular literature], ed. H. Chojnacki, K. Drozdowska, Gdańsk 2017, pp. 67-80. From outside the circle of Scandinavian creators, only the German writter Charlotte Link is comparably fashionable in Poland.
Marinin's first novel translated into Polish was Ukradziony sen [Stolen Dream; original title: Украденный сон] (original edition 1992; Polish translation 2004). This novel started the fashion for like writing Marinina in Poland (between 2004 and 2020 27 out of 52 works were translated); for a comparison, in English only Confluence of Circumstances (original title: Стечение обстоятельств, 1992; English translation 2002) was translated.
Paradoxically, although German-language crime fiction was rather poorly known to Polish readers, it had more influence on writers than the well-read novels by Russian writer Boris Akunin which were not imitated even though his subsequent novels become bestsellers. This is due to the fact that Polish crime creators created in their own formula retro crime before Akunin's novels became fashionable.
Daria Doncowa and Tatiana Polakowa, on the other hand, modeled their work on that of the Polish writer Joanna Chmielewska who was already famous in the USSR in the 1970s and 1980s. After 1989 Chmielewska`s novels were still popular. Following on from her style, Poliakov wrote crime novels about the journalist Żenia and her friend Anfis. Poliakov's novels modelled on Chmielewska's work were published in Poland and included Pułąpka na sponsora [Sponsor Trap; original title: Капкан на спонсора] (original edition 1999; Polish translation 2011) ; Mąż do zadań specjalnych [Husband for special tasks; original title На дело со своим ментом] (original edition 2002; Polish translation 2011); Niezidentyfikowany obiekt chodzący [Unidentified walking object; original title Неопознанный ходячий объект] (original edition 2001; Polish translation 2011); Pogoń za duchami [Chasing ghosts; original title Охотницы за привидениями] ( original edition 2009,Polish translation 2012). Some Polish authors – like Doncowa and Poliakova – tried to introduce elements of humour into the narrative intrigue, but most often they do so ineptly. An example is the series of novels by Olga Rudnicka (Natalii 5 [Natalie 5], 2011; Drugi przekręt Natalii [Second Scam of Natalie],2013; Do trzech Natalii [Third Time Natalie], 2015). The light formula for a crime comedy involved a series of gags in this case. Perhaps the source of Rudnicka's artistic failure can be explained by the lack of observations made through the prism of the tradition of Russian moral satire and the novels of manners by Nikolai Gogol and Michail Sałtykov-Szczedrin which were important for Doncova and Poliakova.
G. Brownell, "Move Over Scandinavian Noir, Here Comes the Polish Gumshoe", New York Times, 2014, [access: 7 February 2022].
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