Paris 2007 - Law Section Call for Papers

50th Anniversary Conference, Paris, July 23-25, 2007

Theme: ‘Media, Information, and Communication: Celebrating 50 years of Theories and Practice’

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the IAMCR, the Law Section will devote its programme to the following subjects:

  1. 50 years of IAMCR – 50 years of the Law Section
  2. Look back: International Efforts in Promoting Media Freedoms Worldwide
  3. Look forward: Internet governance and WSIS: Case studies
  4. Professional standards for media and public trust 

Abstracts of no more than 500 words, bearing on the Conference Theme and addressing one or more of the above topics should be submitted to Andrei Richter and to Wolfgang Kleinwachter before January 15, 2007. Abstracts should explicitly state the prospective nature of the paper, explain the methodology or approaches used and present the empirical material on which the paper is based.

Each abstract may be presented in only one Section of the IAMCR Conference. Offering duplicates of the same paper to different Sections of the Association is likely to result in elimination of the duplicate abstract.
Each abstract must include title, name(s), institutional address and email address of author(s). Applicants will be advised by 1st March 2007 of the outcome of their submissions. The full text of accepted papers will be required no later than 15th June 2007.

Association’s website is:
See also the web-site of the section at

Law Section Heads: Andrei Richter (Russia) and Wolfgang Kleinwachter (Germany)
Deputy: Mohammad Sahid Ullah (Bangladesh)

15 November 2006