Critical Capacities: Media Workers, Labour and Action

Critical Capacities: Media Workers, Labour and Action
an IAMCR 2016 pre-c

Conference description: This one-day event brings together leading media academics and activists to critically examine current trends and trajectories in global worlds of media work, and to present strategies and solutions for improving and enhancing conditions of media and cultural production.

The motif of ‘critical capacity’ invites reflection on both the current inequalities, intensities and extremities of over-loaded and under-rewarded media and cultural work and the modes of redress, advocacy and action currently available to the  media worker.

The confirmed speakers include: Jenny Chan, Bridget Conor, Kirsten Forkert, Hayley Hare, Alison Harvey, David Hesmondhalgh, Sarita Malik, Lisa McLaughlin, Toby Miller, Dave O’Brien, Jonathan Corpus Ong, Anamik Saha, Stevphen Shukaitis, Tom Taylor, Charles Umney.

All are welcome to attend but places are limited - to reserve your place please email Jilly Kay at jilly.kay [at] as soon as possible.

Location: Curve Theatre, Leicester, UK -

Date and time: Tuesday 26 July 09:15 - 18:00

Contact: Mark Banks, University of Leicester mb612 (at)

Organisers: Mark Banks, University of Leicester; Rick Maxwell, CUNY; Kate Oakley, University of Leeds.