Honorary members named at 50th Anniversary meeting
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), founded in Paris in December 1957, the International Council of IAMCR has, at its meeting Sunday 22 July 2007, unanimously decided to appoint the following to become honorary members of the association:
Hifzi Topuz (Turkey), Roque Faraone (Uruguay) and Bernard Blin (France)
for being members of the founding team of people, who paved the way for
the association to become a reality in 1957.
Walery Pisarek (Poland) and Yassen Zassourski (Russia) for their
efforts to bridge the political contradictions between the then East
and West.
Peggy Gray (UK) for her tremendous efforts facilitating the association
in an array of ways during the presidency of the late James D. Halloran.
Gertrude J Robinson (Canada) for her commitment, being a member of the
Executive Board, and for her inspiration as a role model for young
female researchers.
Kim, Chie-Woon (South Korea) for his long engagement in the life of the
association and for bringing the association to the Asian continent
hosting the conference in 1994 in Seoul.
Paris, 24 July 2007
Robin Mansell
President of IAMCR