Why Study for a Higher Degree by Research?
A higher degree by research involves in-depth study and commitment to understand existing information or to develop and analyse new data or ideas. The processes and research you conduct will result in new knowledge you can contribute to this field of thought. At the School of Communication and Arts (SCA) fields of study include: Art History, Australian Studies, Drama and Theatre Studies, Film and Television Studies, Literary and Cultural Studies, Media and Communication Studies, Journalism and Writing.
SCA Study Options (HDR)
Information for existing students
Commenced from 1 January 2022
General Enquiries
- Email: hdr.commarts@enquire.uq.edu.au
Phone: +61 7 3365 1111
- Find an advisor
Our Staff
- SCA Director of Research Higher Degrees:
- Associate Professor Venero Armanno (v.armanno@uq.edu.au)
- The HLO for SCA
- Ms Diana Marsh (hdr.commarts@enquire.uq.edu.au)