
Our diploma and postgraduate diploma programmes are meant for practicing professionals in areas directly relevant to your day to day work.

Blended mode’ programmes

We recognise that you may not be able to take time off from work, and have designed these programmes to be a blend of online work and in-person classroom mode.

You will have the opportunity to meet and interact with your peers, sharing ideas while going through a structured curriculum. Our faculty are from both the University and very experienced practitioners from various organisations.

Financial support

We are aware that it might be difficult for many of our applicants to pay fully for the programmes. We have extensive financial support available to ensure that you get a chance to enrol and complete the programme.

Diploma Common Brochure

Contact us

Mob : 8951978091

Email : admission.​diploma@​apu.​edu.​in (Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Inclusive Education, Learning Disability)

admission.​pgd@​apu.​edu.​in (Postgraduate Diploma in Development Leadership, Postgraduate Diploma in Research for Social Action)